NAMU Agency

The Client

La NAMU Agency, provides guidance to clients to create a memorable brand. Using storytelling techniques, it helps them clarify their message so they can listen and act. It has been collaborating with brands in Los Angeles, Mexico, and Brazil since 2016.


Web Design / Web Development / Illustration / Agency / Marketing

The Objective

To design and develop a Landing Page that allows our clients to know our services in a clear and friendly way.

The Solution

The Landing Page designed for NAMU Agency, uses a minimalist layout that allows for easy scanning of the information. Illustration has been incorporated as a friendly linking element that reinforces the messages shared on the site. We use the orange color which, together with the corporate green, creates a contrast that adds life to the environment and provides a graphical resource that strengthens the call to action on each button.

Suggested Projects
Terrenal Resto Bar
Simples Finanzas
Extreme Max